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NASA’s Hubble captures star cluster that was born more than 5 million years ago

NASA’s Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990, and since then, it has provided scientists with fascinating information about space. Numerous discoveries made by this telescope are also shared on Instagram and often catch the attention of many people. Recently, the telescope captured a star cluster that was born five and a half million years ago. The space agency took to Instagram to share its picture and provided details about it. This cluster, named NGC 6611, has left the Internet mesmerised.
In the caption of the post, NASA Hubble informed, “This #HubbleClassic view is within M16, also known as the Eagle Nebula. The cluster’s intense ultraviolet glow makes the surrounding nebula glow. The dark patches seen throughout are regions of very dense gas and dust, obscuring light from passing through. These may be sites of new star formation before the fledgling stars clear away their surroundings and burst into view.” (Also Read: NASA shares ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at a star formation captured by Hubble Telescope)
While describing the image, the space agency wrote, “Several bright-white, bluish, and orange stars shine with diffraction spikes, interspersed throughout dark dust. Particularly, dark regions of gas and dust are seen near the lower left.”

A post shared by Hubble Space Telescope (@nasahubble)
This picture was shared a few hours ago. Since being shared, it has gained more than 54,000 likes and numerous comments. Many people found the image ‘beautiful’. Some even said that it left them ‘fascinated’. (Also Read: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope finds water vapour in exoplanet 97 light years away from Earth)
An individual wrote, “Space is just so beautiful.”
A second added, “How beautiful! They look like diamonds. The universe is very fascinating.”
“Fantastic photo by Hubble. The Eagle Nebula is a beautiful section of sky,” posted a third.
A fourth shared, “Truly beautiful!”
“So gorgeous,” commented a fifth.
Many others reacted to the picture of this cluster using heart emoticons.
